What Exactly is SEO Content?

Falcon Marketing
SEO Content Tips

If you are somewhat new to the search marketing world, then you may have seen someone throwing around the phrase “SEO content” in marketing conferences. This guide for beginners to SEO is intended to answer the questions mentioned below.

  • What is meant by SEO Content?
  • What to do in SEO?

Let us dive further into this topic by finding the answer to the first question.

To understand what SEO content is, breaking down the term into its constituents is helpful.

  • SEO is search engine optimization. SEO professionals optimize a site to make it rank higher on search results so that visitors can find it through search engines.
  • Content refers to any information available on the internet that can be consumed.

So, putting these concepts together, we can infer that SEO content refers to any content made to attract search engine traffic.

Here is a refresher shared by Falcon marketing on what you will have to do to optimize your website content.

  1. Keyword Research: In the event you wish to generate traffic via search, it is best to perform keyword research prior to creating content for your website. This way, your website team can focus on SEO keywords for which there exists some amount of search volume – in other words, create posts on matters, or discover keyword niches, which people are searching for.
  2. Keyword Optimization: Understand how to use and where to put keywords in your web content for most searchability.
  3. Content Organization: Your website content has to be organized logically. This is good for SEO and helps your visitors find other, related web content easily.
  4. Content Promotion: Enhance visibility to your new web content by sharing that content on social media platforms and by building links to it (from external sites and internally).

A Word on Intentions

It is important to remember that when your only goal is search engine traffic, your results will likely suffer. To please search engines, return visitors and potential customers, you have to offer value in addition to SEO. In other words, do not create “thin” content which ranks and obtains clicks, but does not give any extra value to search engine users. Website owners promoting low-value, “thin” content tend to have low conversion rates and high bounce rates, and they expose themselves to the possibility of getting penalized by Google.

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